Range Rules
1) No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is allowed on Club property.
2) All pertinent Federal, State and local laws shall be obeyed while on Club property.
3) Eye protection is mandatory. Ear protection is suggested.
4) Treat all firearms as though they are loaded.
5) Keep muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times.
6) Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are on target.
7) Handguns shall be pointed downrange at all times when not holstered.
8) Handguns shall not be drawn from holster or holstered with finger in trigger guard.
9) Never accept or hand a firearm to anyone unless the action is open.
10) The red flags must be up when anyone is downrange on the rifle range.
11) Never shoot until the rifle firing line has been cleared. (All red flags down.)
12) Members shall immediately stop unsafe actions by others and report the violator to the Board of Directors.
13) Targets shall be placed immediately in front of the backstops. (Never above the wooden pallets.) All bullets must impact the dirt backstops.
14) All Range users (members and their guests) MUST be signed-in and signed-out. (including non-shooting guests.) It is the members responsibility to ensure their guests are listed on the sign-in (print) sheet correctly and legibly.
15) Your guests are your responsibility and must be supervised at all times when on club property.
16) Membership cards shall be displayed ON your person while on Club property. Members shall demand proof of membership of anyone not displaying a membership card. The clip straps for your cards are provided inside the sign-in /sign-out box.
17) No shooter under 18 years old is allowed on Club property unless accompanied by a parent/guardian club member.
18) It is shooter’s responsibility to police their spent casings, trash and target material and dispose of them in the proper manner. (Remove your targets when finished.)
19) The Range is open every day. (8 am until DUSK.)
RANGE rules are subject to change at any time. Please check the posted rules or our website.
Lots of donated time, effort and expense goes into providing a place for you to enjoy shooting. Your cooperation and help are appreciated and expected. Leave the Range better than you found it.
Failure to follow the rules may lead to your membership being terminated.
Questions or concerns: Please call Darrell @ 618-267-6952